1. Common Problems Faced When Designing a Landscape

    It doesn’t matter if you’re creating a landscape for a commercial property or a personal residence — it’s tough work! Landscaping can add so much to a property, so it only makes sense that it’s done well. Even so, a beautiful landscape can add so much to a property, making it worth every struggle and hour of work put into the project. With that in mind, there are sure to be challenges th…Read More

  2. Benefits of Adding Mulch to Your Landscape

    Gainesville Lawnscaping offers various services to the residents and business owners in the Gainesville and surrounding areas. One of the most commonly requested services that we offer is mulching. This is a service that not only benefits the appearance of your lawn, but it also contributes to the overall health of your yard as well.  In today’s blog, our team is going to go over a few of the d…Read More

  3. Winterizing Your Florida Lawn

    Temperatures are starting to drop here in Gainesville, which is exactly why you want to make sure you set aside some time to winterize your lawn. Winterizing is the best way to protect your grass, plants, and garden as the seasons transition while also maintaining any sprinklers or lawn care systems that you have implemented in your landscape.  In today’s blog, the team at Gainesville Lawnscapi…Read More

  4. Sustainable Ways to Care for Your Yard

    Sustainability is one of the many things that homeowners are constantly looking to improve upon. Not only are sustainable approaches financially beneficial, they also help our planet out! One of the many areas where homeowners have the opportunity to be sustainable is in their landscape.  In today’s blog post, the team at Gainesville Lawnscaping, your trusted lawn care team in Gainesville, will…Read More

  5. More Ways To Improve Your Backyard From Our Gainesville Landscaping Experts

    Getting outside is a great way to clear your head, breathe in some fresh air, and soak up the Vitamin D from our Florida sun. This is no secret, of course, but what’s lesser-known is that you don’t have to travel very far from your home to get outside: just head out into your backyard!  In our last blog post, our Gainesville landscaping company covered a few great ways to get more out of your…Read More

  6. Creating An Inviting Backyard Space With The Help Of Our Gainesville Lawn Care Company

    If there’s any time of year that you spend the most time out in your backyard, it’s summer. Though Florida brings great weather just about any time of year, the summer days are longer, prompting people like you to host get-togethers and parties. What better place to host a shindig than your backyard?  While it’s true that we’re in the business of residential and commercial lawn care in Ga…Read More

  7. How To Prepare Your Gainesville Lawn For The Summer Heat

    Unlike what they’d say in Game of Thrones, here’s what our landscaping company in Gainesville would say to homeowners like you: summer is coming. Indeed, the summer heat is well on its way, and though we’ll have our fair share of tropical storms to give us a break from the intense summer sun, we’re getting ready to buckle down for the hottest part of the year. Lawn Maintenance Tips From Yo…Read More

  8. Five Of The Most Common Lawn Diseases Threatening Your Gainesville Yard

    Five Of The Most Common Lawn Diseases Threatening Your Gainesville Yard

    If you’re obsessed with the condition of your grass, then believe us — we’re with you. Maybe you’re not outside measuring your yard with a ruler every single morning, or pH testing the soil beneath it. But if you’re like many homeowners or business owners, you simply care about how good your lawn looks. That’s probably why you’re here on our lawn care blog, right? If you notice any s…Read More

  9. Lawn Care In Gainesville And Growing Citrus Trees Tips And Insight

    Lawn Care In Gainesville And Growing Citrus Trees: Tips And Insight

    Here in north Florida, we’re fortunate enough to enjoy a climate that, like other parts of Florida, allows us to grow beautiful fruit trees. Other states may have their mountains and rolling valleys, but they don’t have picturesque beaches and palm trees aplenty. Though Florida is well-known for producing some of the country’s very best oranges (think Florida’s Natural Orange Juice), it’…Read More

  10. Signs That It’s Time To Redo Your Landscaping

    Signs That It’s Time To Redo Your Landscaping

    A good-looking, well-designed yard can really add a lot of value to your home. A nice outdoor space surrounding your office or storefront can also add a surprising amount of value to your business by creating positive impressions with your customers. Custom landscape design is a worthwhile investment in a residential and commercial sense, but at the end of the day, everyone can agree that it just …Read More